Comprehensive Plan 2029


The Boone County Comprehensive Plan 2029 was adopted by Boone County Board on December 19, 2019.  The update was a community led planning effort that establishes initiatives, guides decision making, and provides the county with opportunities s to succeed over the next 10 years.  

The plan had three key objectives to accomplish:
Objective 1: Be more comprehensive than previous plan
Objective 2: Engage as many people as possible
Objective 3: Leverage partnerships and limited resources to develop an easy to use, implementable roadmap for the future, driven by the community's needs, vision, and values.

As with all plans, they need to be reviewed and updated regularly in order to be a living document.   Since there are always changing trends, the Comprehensive Plan should be reviewed and updated on a yearly basis.  The Boone County Zoning Ordinance allows for regular updates for corrections, standard updates and changes.   (Section 2.10.3)

The Full Comprehensive Plan 2029
Comprehensive Plan 2029

Prior Future Land Use Maps (As of 2008)

Incorporated within the Plan are numerous maps that are intended to better show the vision for Boone County as it continues to develop, change and grow.  Four main maps are available for viewing here, the remaining maps are available for review in the department.

Future Transportation Maps

Also incorporated within the Plan are recommendations on future roadway, rail and non-vehicle transportation routes.  Both maps are available for viewing here.